The charm of driftwood in children’s bedrooms

With the delightful honesty that characterizes them, children have the amazing ability to tell each other fantastic stories. A pebble becomes a superhero – the tin can, a balloon – the stone, a doll… Exploring, playing, imagining, nothing can stop our little darlings from daydreaming.

Driftwood is the perfect companion on the path to discovery. 


Kilim – Kids Solid teak clothes rack

# The wonderful story of driftwood

Carried by the currents and tides, driftwood is polished long and hard by the waves. This process transforms a simple branch into a material that we use to make distinctive furniture that looks naturally at home in children’s bedrooms.


River – Solid teak headboard


Kilim – Kids Solid teak bedside table

# An amazing material

Driftwood is natural, authentic and ecological. It retains the traces of its long sea voyage: an organic shape, soft feel and a lovely light colour. Some artists collect it to create works without artifice and full of romance. In homes, it offers a timeless charm that can be easily paired with all interior design styles.


Kalif – Solid teak Bed

# A material that stimulates the imagination...

Driftwood, with its unique “perfectly imperfect” character, brings a feeling of freedom that encourages children to imagine the world, without leaving home… The Kalif bed becomes a raft on crashing waves, the River headboard becomes a cabin at the bottom of the garden, the Kilim bench, a wild horse or space rocket for travelling without leaving Mum and Dad. As for the Kilim hanging rail or storage rack, you only have to cover them with a sheet or a tablecloth and you’ve got a teepee, a hiding place for treasure or an explorer’s tent!


Kilim – Kids Decorative solid teak bench

The next time you go on a seaside walk, you can get your children to collect driftwood from the beach to add the finishing touches to the decoration of their room… Real little treasures that they can transform, with your help, into a photo frame, pencil pot, dreamcatcher-type wall decoration or a mobile…